Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tresspassing Notice:

Okay funny story that I just had to put in my blog:
  • Yes I am a criminal.
  • Yes this is a little extreme.
  • Yes this is a real trespassing contract. 
  • Yes I won't be going to the DI here in Logan.
  • Yes I am dying and wanted to go yesterday ha ha 
It was Taco Tuesday: Went to get taco's with my roommate Katelyn then after we went to the DI for a little bit. I found 2 cute necklaces that I wanted, but then I realized when I was about to buy them I left my 10 dollars at home on my desk...so i put them on hold.....maybe would go back maybe not.
Dropped Katelyn off ( she also warned me and said I didn't need those necklaces) ha ha
enjoy life!I got dressed for work and looked at the clock I had about 15 mintues before I had to go to work. I grabbed my 10 dollars and went to the DI. I bought the necklaces then decided I would find a frame for this elephant photo my sister drew for my good friend Makenzie.  I needed it after work so had to hurry to get a frame. I went grabbed about 4 frames that looked like the right size. I then with the frames wanted to see what the elephant photo would look like in the frames....so the one i took out the picture/cardboard/cardboard/glass and put the drawing in the frame...nope the frame was a little to flimsy and I didn't think it looked good....so i pulled the drawing out....put the picture/cardboard/cardboard back into the frame and the glass......again I was in a hurry so if you saw me I was rushing because time was ticking before I had to go to work and needed a frame.......i then looked at the second one and there was a little tool right beside so i used it to try and open the frame but realized it wasn't going to work...and I liked that frame much more...looked at the time and I needed to leave. Took the one brown frame...rushed to the registered.  talked to my good friend Paige who works at the management at the DI and we were talking about dating life for a second while i was
checking out. Bought the one frame....booked it out to my car...and literally right as i am about to get in my car i hear a Mam: I realized he was talking to me turned around and he said he needed to to take me back into the Deseret Industries and talk to me. I asked him how long and if this was about the frame situation. He said about 20 mintues and yes...we started walking towards the entrence of the DI and then I realized I needed to call my work so i wouldn't be late...walked fast to my car grabbed my phone while he was waiting and walked inside with him. It was funny to see Paige's face because she is management there and everytime I go to this DI we chit chat for a little bit or when she comes into noodles. Good friends because we love each other's jobs ha ha! He takes me to this empty office and says I can call my work....i call say i got caught up in something and I will be about 10-15 mintues late....Then the gentle man who came to my car to get
me....went and got some paper work that I needed to fill out. He started saying let me hear your story of this situation and then I will let you know what I observed and what I saw.....He was a secret shopper ( basically making sure everything runs smoothly and that shoppers are being honest and not stealing anything etc.) I honestly didn't even know the DI had secret shoppers so I was surprised and know I was in a little wrong and from his point of view if I saw me and I rushed to the regiester and my car to buy the frame...it looked a little suspicious but honestly i was just hurrying to work and didn't think I did anything wrong......but since I didn't buy the frame that I took apart the glass/the painting/ the cardboard/  I was suppose to buy that one and since I didn't that is trespassing the DI's item and not using it or buying it in the correct manner....I honestly felt so guilty...and really I AM NOT A CRIMINAL. I just wanted a 2 dollar frame for this elephant in 15 mintues before I went to work.......I signed the paper...and he asked for my ID and asked if that was in my car as well. I said yes so he didn't worry about getting my ID. He copied the paper that I signed which is the above picture in a frame ( that Katelyn just had to frame and put in our living room). He also said that in some cases they call the police but since this isn't a serious situation he won't call the police ( okay Mr. First of all I am not a criminal) (i pretty much died of laughter in my mind and was really thinking is this really happening to me). Yes it was.
Life goes on.
He was way nice, and even said that I was one of the nicesest people that he has worked with...he also asked if I am always like this....Yes you have the real me...yes you have the funny. crazy me... He said no wonder why I am friends with Paige.....Oh the joys of life situations.
Enjoy life
  • I learned a valuable lesson of not being in a hurry. 
  • if I happen to open something or rearrange something that I HAVE to buy it.
  • I can save my money for a WHOLE YEAR: cause i can't go to the DI in Logan for a Year.
    (this will be a challenge, but I know it is best for me and I will challenge my self tell that year)
  • Little mistakes can lead to big mistakes
  • Learning from your mistakes and not letting them happen again.


One of my favorite seasons is Fall:
while i was walking to my class in the Family Life building on campus at Utah State University I happened to see this HUGE pile of leaves. I had to jump in them and take a photo. Thanks to Sterling for talking to the photo of me and always walking me to my class. he is a keeper. 
After class and jumping in the huge pile of leaves I realized it was the perfect weather for a 
 lovely fall run.https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=142052d592ae651a&attid=0.3&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383066624643&sads=5713iXy4FBIQQzjpJde_u-ha_3o
  • I love the color of the leaves.
  • I love the sound when i crunch the leaves while running.
  • I love the sound of the leaves falling from the trees.
  • sun shining.
  • feet running.
  • favorite running hat.
  • excellent work-out. 

I am grateful for a healthy body that allows me to run.
I am grateful for this lovely Fall weather.

stolen laptop.

monday morning before my afternoon class I decided to pull out my laptop and work on an assignment.

looking around for my blue hurley backpack. I just couldn't seem to find it anywhere. I looked in my room, under my bed, in my closet, in the bathroom, in the living room, laundry room. I just don't know where it went. Then I remember before leaving for fall break I had to turn in an assignment.....and instead of bringing my whole backpack inside to my apartment i opened my backpack and grapped out the assignment that i needed. I had this feeling to grab my whole backpack. but just ignored it and thought i would bring it in later before i left for washington.
well i got caught up in laundry.
getting my snack back ready.
and before you know it I am on the road and my backpack is left in my car with my laptop in my bag.

looked everywhere in my car. front seat back seat. trunk. nothing.

my backpack got stolen out of my car with my laptop in the back pack.

i must have left the door unlocked.....terrible i know.

it is not worth the yelling. screaming. blaming myself ( even though it is my fault).
it is just an item. it was just my 700 dollar laptop.
luckily all the information on my laptop was on my black hard drive from when my dad was organizing it and moving things to that memory device.

I still don't get how a person can get in someone's car and steal an item that doensn't belong to them and belongs to someone else. it makes me sick. i am sad for whoever did it.

oh well maybe they needed it more then I. maybe they will read my be of good courage sticker on the outside of my laptop, or read my little reminder sticky notes where they are uplifting reminders for me.
hopefully they do. i am sorry for that person who stole my laptop. it is sad. it is not worth your soul.
i hope your happy. i am a college student. with my binders and notebooks and book and laptop in the backpack i hope your able to gain some knowledge from my items. like i said before it is sad.

I have learned a couple valuable lessons from this:

  1. always make sure to lock your car doors ( always)
  2. never leave anything valuable in your car (never)
  3. there are people out there. that don't think. that steal for happiness or for pleasure. it is sad. in the end that won't matter at all. so go ahead take my belongings. do it i dare you. 
i am now laptopless: but I have many things that I am grateful for and life moves on................
maybe in the spring or next year I will purchase a laptop, but for now I will use the library's computers and think of the valuable lessons i have learned and how I can incorporate them to my daysssssssssssss.

f>a>l>l break:

https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=14204cef23356956&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383060173838&sads=xhMQ6rQAK5DPGoyPmgly2VYjdesafter the lovely girls morning it was on to packing and finishing my laundry:

Sterling and Skylar picked me up and off we went to Pullman Washington for Fall break.
we had enough snacks for the car ride there. Sterling and I made a delicious coconut chex mix it was so good and we had enough for the ride and the ride back. It probably isn't the healthiest thing but so good!

We stopped in Boise Idaho for dinner. We ate at good old Cafe Rio. I enjoyed a chicken salad. it hit the  spot and was delicious. The drive there wasn't bad at all it went by so fast. Sterling drove the whole 10 hours I was the passenger and his brother Skylar was in the backseat. Listened to tunes, enjoyed the beautiful view before it got dark, snacks.

We arrived in Pullman Washington about midnight. The parents waited up for us to make sure we got there safely, which was nice of them.  Tracy which is Sterlings mom showed me where I was staying upstairs.

slept like a rock. i was so tired from staying awake the 10 hours while Sterling was driving.

Here is what the fall break weekend consisted off :) everyone deserves a nice break and I defiantly had a weekend filled with adventure and loved every minute of it.

went to the apple orchard and picked some delicious apples with Sterling his mom and dad. It was nice cause literally any tree you found you were able to test the apples to see if you wanted to put them in the boxes.  There were so many trees and I love apples. My favorite apples are the yellow ones...so good. I felt like my mouth was going to fall out because of all the apple testing I did. Sterling and I went off to fill up a box of apples. It was fun to pick apples...I had to take a picture because look how cute he looks holding the box of apples we gathered. It was fun and was such a pretty sunny day.

Sometimes Sterling is just to tall to get into my photos: awkward but funny at the same time! s.mile.

Left Picture:
Sterling and his parents after we finished picking apples walking back to the truck.

Right Picture:
man picking apples attractive :)

after apples: we went and saw the Washington bears on the side of the road caged up. It is a little bear museum i guess you can call it. The bears were huge, i wanted so badly to pet them and touch their fur as well as their soft black nose. They all looked so tired roaming around and board. they were cute.https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=14204ce55deda3f8&attid=0.5&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383060681489&sads=kd09-NYeSwOHxQTzVuZow-mcRyg

made delicious meal out of the 3 crock-pots they had:
it consistent of
1st crock pot: home made pizza
2nd crock pot: home made break-sticks
3rd crock pot: apple crisp

Lets just say the pizza and bread-sticks got devoured they were delicious. After doing a crock pot dinner it made me want to make more dinners in Logan from them. It was fun to help Sterlings mom inside the kitchen cooking and cutting items while Sterling was helping his dad. That is one thing I love about Sterling is he is willing to help whenever possible. He was helping his mom as well as his dad.  He just needed an attractive apron on and man that would have been hot.....maybe i will get him one for Christmas ha ha! but really when a guy cooks or even cuts vegetables it is an attractive thing.

then finished the night of watching a movie

they have this awesome eagle bird named Saphria that his mom and brother Spencer take care of and train how to fly back and forth. It was a pretty bird and they are both very patient with Saphria. It was interesting to watch how they would feed and train.

the morning consisted of us helping his mom and dad with this funeral.
Sterling's dad is the bishop of their family ward.
we helped set up the multi purpose room with tables and plates...etc.
Sterling and I would goof off a couple of times...it was funny to watch him put the display of paper leaves in the center of the table...boys and decorations sometimes just don't go together...least he tried. ha ha it was way funny I was getting a kick out of it.

then we went to his neighbors house across the street from him and shot some clay pigeons.
it was fun. it is always funny when the brothers were all up to shoot they of course had to try to one up each other..or say who got the first shot. They had three guns that we were able to shoot the clay pigeons with. They then did a game where the first person shoots and if he misses the second person standing in line will shoot and then if he misses the third person will have to shoot...it is kind of like elimination. the boys made it all look so easy. It was a fun family activity. The mom and dad and Sterling and his two brothers Spencer and Skylar all had a chance to shoot. We used about 1 1/2 boxes of clay pigeons.

I did an excellent job as well...i missed a couple shots but it was fun to aim and to shoot the flying clay pigeons. I guess i need to work a little on my skills...just means that Sterling and I need to go shooting up the canyon one of these days or even in the spring. Sterling with a gun is attractive....oh man i love my man in the outdoors. attractive ;)

https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=14204cc7c0fd9966&attid=0.9&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383060853744&sads=DnRfqwslcCTfMtOo0SffyVl0zDQthen Sterling and I had to leave to go to lunch with is friend Jeff

went to a cute little place ( Sterling says basically a hole in the wall) cause it is tiny but so good.  It is called Hero's. Here is what it looks like: cute right.

We met up with his friend Jeff. Sterling and Jeff were friends in jr high and high school growing up. I was also able to meet Jeff's wife as well. It was fun just the four of us getting lunch and we sat outside in the warm weather talking.
-I was eating my wrap which was so good, but it was a little bit to spicy for me. I am not a spicy fan so it was starting to burn.  I ate the first half of my wrap....and realized Sterling ate his first as well and we were both on the the next half.....I just had to say something because it was getting too spicy for me. "Sterling is your wrap spicy"...."uh no( with a disappointed facial expression.)" well mine is a little bit to spicy for me.....and then Sterling figured out I was eating his wrap and he was eating mine. ha ha glad we could figure that out and get it straight after eating each others wrap. it was funny we had a good laugh about it. and even on Sunday night i was like remember that time when you ate half of my wrap. ha ha it is always good to bring up good funny moments of memories. ha ha.
Then Sterling and I went to this cute little thrift shop called Pealous thrift-store: Sterling knows me to well and knows i love thrift store shopping.
he was so cute to follow me around and let me look for a little bit.
we also had some good laughs there because so many odd interesting things.
I have realized dating Sterling he is very very very patient with me. he is just too good sometimes.
we shopped and looked around.
Sterling wanted a coug shirt  ( which is a Washington State University shirt). we couldn't find one and I said if he found one to look at the size..cause hello I want a shirt of the university my boyfriend likes.

he found a red one. yupp i bought it 2.36 best prices ever. then i also got a cute tight/ thin running jacket as well that was 2.56. ha ha! spent under 6.00 dollars the whole trip excellent savings i know.

then we drove around his town. he showed me his high school, family ward, main street, and Washington University. I just had to take pictures by the WSU: and needed one of sterling ;)https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=14204cce3c6a7dfb&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383061129245&sads=1nsrQ_7y9lA0PxTaXcGTVM3_wWMhttps://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=14204cce3c6a7dfb&attid=0.3&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383061131998&sads=yXi1hL6uGNA7J-0c4onlRua-hao

https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=14204cce3c6a7dfb&attid=0.5&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383061134548&sads=B-pqqLSsOFeKdYyu9zCUMzHm2Csthere was an excellent sunset. perfect weather.
we walked up to the fields and Tracy was trying to get Sapheria the bird to eat this quail for dinner...to bad a little bit earlier Sterling and I found a snake and gave it to sapheria to destroy and eat...so she was pretty much full from there.
then the three of them walked back to the house.
Sterling and I walked up further on the grassy field...taking photos. talking. walking holding hands. basically enjoying each others company.
then we found a dirt road and decided to take the road down to the main street where his mom could pick us up.
i always enjoy every minute I can with Sterling.
it was perfect. the sun. the weather. being able to see the Pullman town. holding hands. Sterling gives the best hugs..i could just hug him for hours. literally the best. excellent kiss

his mom picked us up:

then off to family game night. Well basically it was Sterling me and Spencer ha ha.
played 4 games. and his mom made us a delicious chex mix to go along with it.
it was a busy filled Saturday. it was so much fun getting to know his mom/dad/brothers a little bit better. This is one of the games we played was called the farm game: I repeat this game is time consuming. It was funny the mom and dad warned before we started playing. It was fun the first 10 mintues then I just got a little tired. ha ha.....Spencer was first. I was second. Sterlings was third (it was his darn cows that he bought, he had so many but it just didn't work out for him in the end ha ha)

I appreciated his mom for letting me stay there and for feeding me and letting me be able to help her cook/clean/and do the dishes. Oh sterlings family is adorable and I enjoyed the weekend very much so. I hope to be able to come visit Pullman Washington again cause really it was fun just relaxing and spending family time. I know that Tracy was very appreciated and wanted to see her huge tall boys Sterling and Skylar.

it was their family ward primary program.
i abosulty love these and there is never a dull moment.
Sterlings dad conducted the meeting.
then the laughs and smiles of the program.
I sat in between Sterling and Skylar and at times during the program we had to pin point out a few children who were just hilarious. we had some good laughs.
oh the primary days. glad that is over.
it was fun to listen to the children try to sing and say their part in the microphone:
then back to Sterlings house to pack up and get ready to leave back to Logan.
his mom was so cute and told them to take anything they really wanted food wise...that is the best part about going home is being feed and being able to take food back up with you even if they are left overs. they got all packed up with some goodies.
his mom had a photo of the three boys that she took 10 years ago around the corner over by a huge yellow field of grass and wanted another photo 10 years later. The boys put on a blue shirt jeans and posed for the camera. Man did they all look sharp even though the blue shirts weren't matching just seeing the photo from before then they were cute and little and now they are all tall huge and still adorable. it was cute and i had to take a photo of the mom and her boys. so cute.
said goodbyes and ended with a family prayer.
-then left for 10 hours on the way back to Logan.

fall break went by way to fast. I wasn't ready to leave. I wanted to stay a little bit longer. I am thankful for Sterlings parents for letting me stay at their families house and for feeding me and providing me with shelter and some fun memories and good laughs.
on the way home I felt so bad for Skylar he wasn't feeling to good at all and was getting car sick. We stopped a few times for him because he wasn't feeling good at all. Poor kid.
we finally arrived in Logan dropped off his brother and I helped take up their goodies of food their mom gave them.
Sterling was nice to help me unload my things and carry them to my apartment.
said our goodbyes. excellent long hug. oh man Sterling is just the best.
I really do appreciate all the little things he does for.
he is to kind. he has always opened the car door for me/ or when we go out at restaurants he does as well. he is very polite and a true real gentleman. little things he does i appreciate. he is very patient with me. oh man i love being around him.

excellent fall break in Pulman Washington with the Hatch Family.

last fall I am sure I never would have thought i would be in a serious dating relationship.
that i would be traveling 10 hours to their home town for fall break.
oh how time keeps ticking and how days keep moving along.
I am grateful for this journey. I am excited for the future and for more days and for more adventures to come. oh the joy of life. " enjoy life. Endure Life. Love life"

Start to fall break.

Thursday I was suppose to have my friday class schedule...but the professor said don't worry about coming on Thursday....so guess what that means my fall break started Thursday morning! yeah!!! I defiantly needed a nice weekend break and this was an excellent one.

started off my morning by sleeping in a little bit.

then Katelyn Kristen and I decided to do a morning hike.https://mail-attachment.googleusercontent.com/attachment/u/0/?ui=2&ik=5b4b809fd2&view=att&th=14204c20bdca97f6&attid=0.1&disp=inline&safe=1&zw&saduie=AG9B_P8JlZt-PCAz-gg-s0Iism2S&sadet=1383059360484&sads=ht52VC5CrGHB0q3n_aolRqAFUvM&sadssc=1
(my hands nose and ears were freezing)....i didn't think it would be that cold but it was that cold logan breeeze kills me everytime. ha ha. It was funny we were all kinda matching wearing sweaters ( all with a different logo) then a hat and hiking shoes. 


  • We did the borderline trail by first dam. It is right when you enter into Logan Canyon. 
  • we hiked.
  • we laughed.
  • we chit chatted.
  • we of course had to take some photos.
  • it was a fun hike...love these two girls they are amazing.

then after the hike we needed to feed our bellies with something delicious.  We went to Herm's Inn which is my new favorite place to eat in Logan. It is a cute little resturatant that is open from 8:00-2:00. They do breakfast and lunch.  It is over on canyon road and I would recommend it to anyone> it has a good prices and excellent service and most of all delicious food. I have only gotten the Huge Cinnamon pancake but every time it is always soooo good I just can't choose something new.

cheers to the start of fall break: yeah. I love these cups as well they are fun to drink out of.

I went to pay for my food and Katelyn said if you bring your student ID card you get a certain amount off. I handed him my student ID card and he was like in order to get this cinnamon pancake free with your ID card you need to purchase something else with it. I had no idea you could get it for free, Katelyn mentioned something along the lines of that but I didn't believe it ha ha! The guy hesitated and then was like well i will just take care of it today, don't worry about it. He was way nice and I got a FREE meal.  It was nice of him to do that, I really could have just paid and remembered that for the next time i go there. It was delicious. Thanks to the kind man for the free pancake. next time i will remember.
girls morning for fall break was a success:

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

for your eyes only: ha ha.

Katelyn was in the music video making mode after Texas Roadhouse so what do we do make another music video ha ha! I aboustly love these, because they are never planned and we always have a good time. I am glad Alyssa could join us for what two WHOLE seconds ha ha!
yeah for roommates.
yeah for us trying to dance.
yeah for just being goofy.
yeah for having fun.
Good times in Bridgerpointe apartments.
We are taking any cast members who would like to volunteer and be included ha ah!

This video we made last week was the first one we did.  The one above these typed letters: Ha ha we are hiliarious. good times. Literally there is never a dull moment in our apartment ha ha! we have some pretty intense dancing skills just watch ha! Then we decied to make another one so the video below is the second music video that we made ha ha! 
dance. dance. laugh. laugh. love. love. life.life

Texas Roadhouse

we have been planning this for about 3 weeks...why because all four off us have different busy schedules and this day worked well for all 4 of us.

Birthday Dinner with my roommates at Texas Roadhouse:  Yes we all got ready for dinner.
Don't we look great! ha ha I am so grateful, and have already expressed in my blog and instagram and to them how grateful I am for their examples in my life. I love all three of them and have enjoyed getting to know them and creating friendship memories.

We all decided to wear different colored pants...not really planned it looks adorable: We only probably had about 5 people take a picture of us in front...because it was either blurry...we wanted the flash...to far away...etc. Sometimes people just struggle at taking photos. This one was my favorite photo of all of us. Another group photo we have taken Yeah!!!
Roommates:  Bridgerpointe Apartments #328
It was funny one guy that happened to work at Texas road house as a server took our photo. Then happened to snap a photo of himself while taking the photo of us. He thought we were leaving. Then when it was time that I to ride the saddle for my birthday. He came over and was like oh I thought you guys were leaving so that is why I did that. ha ha we all laughed it was funny.  Then later that night our waitress gives us a paper of his Name and Number for Amy! ha ha it was way cute. She then wrote her number down on the paper and said something along the lines of she doesn't make the first moves.  I am sure she will have a date with him next week. It was funny and cute ha ha! Oh good times. 

I had to take a photo with each one of my roommates:
love them dearly:

Thanks for the awesome birthday dinner. I got the same thing as Katelyn and we had the bacon hamburger and fries. Okay it was delicious!! I couldn't even eat the whole thing because i stalked up on peanuts and rolls. It was yummy!

Then another random thing is this guy that used to be in our ward that goes around and makes balloons for the tables at Texas Road house. I got a crown. Katelyn got a gun ha ha! good thing there aren't any bullets in that. Amy got a flower and Alyssa got a monkey.  ha ha it was way random I haven't seen that before but we enjoyed our free balloons. 

Then of course Katelyn mentioned to our waitress is was my birthday.
they brought out the saddle.
okay i guess i will sit on it. only if i have to. okay i guess i will wear my crown.
okay i guess i will enjoy free ice cream.  ha ha! oh the joys of birthdays.
Thanks to my roommates for celebrating dinner with me for my 23rd birthday! yeah for being one day older. 

Thanks to kate for the photo and the video. She is the best with her camera taking skills and video skills ha ha! Thanks Kate for buying ;) you are the bestest. love yeah!
we are basically crazy. Just waiting for Alyssa and Amy...they take forever ha ha!
best friends. basically sisters. love this girl.

Monday, October 14, 2013

friday date night:

 (c) (o) (r) (n) (m) (a) (z) (e)
It was the one over by the American west heritage center.
 It was so much fun. I would recommend this for any activity.

Got our lovely blue wrist bands. then we searched for the corn maze. They had a lot going on here. They also had a haunted hallow, country dancing, slide, little bomb fires, axe throwing. It is a fun filled evening for dates, groups, etc.  I saw these lights that I just had to get a picture of them in the background. Sometimes Sterling just laughs at me for all my photos I take...we get a good laugh. He like I said is an excellent sport about it. 

It was funny by walking over to the corn maze it looked like it was going to be way to easy. I even mentioned that we should do it twice, once we get to the exit (finish) we should go all the way back to the start and see how long it takes us.....that is once we figured out it would take us 2 hours to finish. It was so much fun though, lots of laughter and goofying around.  I love going to corn mazes and going with Sterling was ten times better then the previous corn mazes I have been to.  It was always funny running into people we would recently see then see later. Realizing that we are all in this corn maze still. It was a little chilly, thank goodness 
I had my fur coat to keep me warm, and two pairs of socks ha ha next time i will bring gloves and leggings under my jeans.  Anyways finally after realizing we would never get out of this corn maze after about 40 mintues of trying to do it by ourselves we turned to the map online with my phone. Sterling then did the maze on the phone as we were going through the corn maze.  I just had to relate it to the gospel sense because really when you go off the straight and narrow path you are basically lost in the dark...but you WILL ALWAYS have that straight and narrow path there it is just how AGENCY is used.  Having the map helped a lot we realized we weren't even close to the finish we had to find this one section that got us to the other side.
Look at this  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^corn maze doesn't it just look confusing haha! it was fun we also got thrown 2 heads of corn twice...Sterling is so protected and wanted to hunt down those high school kids or who ever threw them at us...Don't mess with Sterling....he will hunt you down. ha ha.  We finally finally knew we were getting close and decided not to use the phone anymore. It was so nice to see the exit door.

  It was a fun 2 hours in the corn maze hitting dead ends. realizing we were going to be here forever even when it closes. Sterling knew I was cold and so we finished the corn maze by going to Maverick and getting a LARGE ONE dollar Hot Chocolate. It was delicious and just what i needed. We both got our large hot chocolates then drove over by the Logan Temple.
It was a fun filled /couldn't find our way out/ little chilly / being a kid again / lots of laughter/ tired not to use the map/ pretending/ smiles/ lots of other lost people/ handsome date /
 Excellent : Date Night


 Sterling invited me to his grandparents farm in Malad it is about 30 minutes away from Logan so it isn't bad at all. It was a nice fast drive.  The boys were cutting trees and cutting them into logs for a fire pit for their aunt. I was able a couple times to use the chain saw...hahah i can't just stand there and watch. I also helped load some of the wood in the back of the truck....and of course I had to get a couple snap chats of Sterling...ha ha his grandpa's saw wouldn't start...and his brother Skyler was using the other saw...so Sterling tried to get this one started.....and tried....and tried...and then finally he was able to get it started...it had a dull saw so it took forever to cut. but it eventually did. ha ha.

While the boys were working at cutting wood for Sterling's Aunt. His grandma and I went off to the apple tree's.  There were so many apples they were tiny. They were delicious. I love apples and always buy an apple when I am on my way to my 7:30 class for a healthy snack.  It was fun to gather some apples and eat some while picking them. I also got to spend time with this adorable little puppy which is Sterling cousin Stran's puppy named: Red. It was cute and cuddly. It didn't even slobber or try to lick me which is always good ha ha. I will get a puppy or even a dog if I don't have to feed it or pick up the poops ha ha that can be my roommates, future husband, family etc. other then that of course I will get a dog. ha ha! With extra wood that they didn't want they made a fire. It kept us warm in the morning when it was cold, but after about an hour the sun started shining...and off goes the jackets. It was a fun day helping out, enjoy some sunshine, enjoy the fall weather, enjoy some hot warm home made chilly, hot dogs, some delicious cupcakes with candles, diet coke with lime, some salty taffy & chips.
I am glad I was able to tag along. It kept me busy ;)

simply adorable. I just had to take this photo. Look at the cute wrinkles on the forward..okay adorable.