Monday, May 5, 2014


Bring it on Summer 2015:
I am so excited for summer and the adventures that I will have this summer.
this is my short summer list:
-bring on the Rodeo's (favorite part last year going to them with Sterling)
-craft (blocks.words, canvas, paint chest, print pictures
-workin it up eatin at noodles and five guys ha ha
-hiking in Logan canyon
-hike in Zion again ;)
-hike yellowstone
-go to Moab hike in the Arches
-plan adventures on weekend (check familys schedule to join ;)
-attend the temple 
-swimming/lay out
-summer picnics
-evening walks with my man
-organize wplans
-5k breast cancer race
-visit Pullman Washington again to see Sterlings Family
-bike rides
-bear lake rasberry shakes
-no homework. no tests. no school. schools out. its summer.
Love Life. Love Moments. Be Grateful. Keep Smiling. Enjoy. Sunshine. Relaxing. Love 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Graduated Roommates

Congrats to this amazing roommate of mine Katelyn! She is incredible and has been an amazing example to me. Congrats on graduating from Utah State. You have worked so hard and look you now have your degree. You are amazing and I am indeed a proud roommate right now. You are one who never gives up and keeps on pushing forward. I love your simple smile and the good time we have had. I look back at all the photos we have taken and I smile at every single one. It is amazing how that one trip at Spring Break down at St. George we would be roommates and best friends and basically sisters. Love you Kate and Congrats on Graduating. This is your day! Keep on Smiling.
ps- I love being able to see your parents. They are hiliarous and I loved catching up with your mom for a bit. Your family is very welcoming and I just remember visting your home town last year in July and seeing where you grew up and your family and your friends. It was a fun adventure I won't forget. Thanks for the good memories and good times. Here is to summer ;) Lets try and go hiking maybe the concrete Jungle? haha that we seriously have tired forever to go to. one day we will ha ha love yeah Kate! congrats!!
Congrats to Alyssa and Kate for Graduating. These two have been my roommates in Bridger Pointe Apartments. They both are amazing Individuals and both have been examples to me. I am simply blessed each day knowing that I have lived with and living with roommates who put up with me....yes at sometimes I can be hard especially if i leave the stove on, lose my house key, leave the toliet un flushed, ha ha they simply still love me and we have good laughs over a lot of things. Love you both and Congrats on graduating! I am excited to see what the future has in store for the both of you. Congrats again on being a college graduate you did it!!!! 

Friday, May 2, 2014

peace out school.

Good Bye Utah State Spring Semester 2014
See you in the Fall 2014.
it is now SUMMER ( i felt like when I was little summer was the longest season it is just to short. so I got to enjoy it while it lasts before I know it its going to be August)
It is crazy how time flies. I feel like we just started in our classes this semester but sure enough we are already done and it is now SUMMER! I love Utah State Campus and it is simply my favorite campus.